Wednesday, November 6, 2013

un gran daño en césped sintético

Old Trafford tiene 103 años de historia, para representar plenamente la esencia del fútbol Inglés . Recientemente, sin embargo , el " Daily Mail", reveló que con el fin de organizar mejor 2015 Inglés Copa Mundial de Rugby , el plan de los organizadores del torneo se pondrá en uso en Old Trafford campo de césped sintético y listos partido de rugby 3 juegos aquí .

Manchester es el 2015 las ciudades anfitrionas de la Copa Mundial de Rugby , organizadores de eventos previstos originalmente para crear un verano en el campo de fútbol estándar de Manchester , y luego dejado de lado por problemas de financiación . En este momento la forma más factible es requisar la casa del Manchester City dúo de transformación, debido Ittihad estadio Old Trafford para dar cabida a menos de 16.000 , por lo que los organizadores del evento esperan "sacrificio ", el estadio del Manchester United .

Se informa que en el 2015 la Copa Mundial de Rugby de septiembre a octubre , el Manchester United es probable que durante este tiempo de preparación para la fase de grupos de Liga de Campeones . Por lo tanto , no hay una clara actitud de gestión del Manchester United , y el entrenador Sir Alex Ferguson dijo : " ¿Quién querría poner el campo de fútbol de césped sintético en un campo de fútbol es ? "De hecho, en diciembre pasado , Rugby World Cup presidente ejecutivo Andy - Kos Bartlett dijo Ferguson rechazó públicamente nuestra propuesta.

De hecho , en el estadio de fútbol para los partidos de fútbol se han convertido en un lugar común, con el club de la Liga Wigan Athletic Ganyong equipo de fútbol Shi Premier dimensional, lo mismo que el DW Stadium ( antes conocido como el estadio JJB ) , porque -fútbol de dañar el césped es más grave , resultando en Wigan en casa se ​​convirtió en un " huerto. " Football Turf generalmente más corto que el corte, que es un buen balanceo de fútbol. El césped artificial por lo general permanecer demasiado tiempo , porque un montón de gente tirándose scrimmage , un gran daño en césped sintético.

Mientras tanto , Cardiff ' Millennium Stadium s también servirá como lugar de Rugby 2015 Copa del Mundo , 0 , organizado por la Unión aceitunas Welsh Rugby World Cup en 1999 y la construcción es el principal responsable de Welsh equipo de fútbol ' partidos como local s .

El estadio del Manchester United también había celebrado un montón de juegos de fútbol, ​​al igual que en junio 2009 Copa de la Liga un enfoque en la guerra , Inglaterra desafío Argentina . Por otra parte, desde 1998 , el Rugby League Súper Liga finales anuales también se llevan a cabo en Old Trafford campo de césped sintético. Además , el Reino Unido , Irlanda y Francia , organizado conjuntamente por la Copa Mundial de Rugby League 2000 , también serán " Dream Theater " como el lugar final.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

césped sintético del mercado en general en su ventaja incomparable ecologización

césped sintético del mercado en general en su ventaja incomparable ecologización

campo de fútbol de césped sintético ha estado utilizando material elástico de caucho negro para llenar el fin de llegar a la absorción de impactos lugar , rebote de la pelota y el otro el rendimiento deportivo, pero no es el material elástico lugar tradicional huele el uso a largo plazo lugar demasiado pesado, causas endurece fácilmente compactado partículas de salpicaduras de movimiento, etc es fácil. Ahora, muchos de el mundo sede del club famoso en la selección de un nuevo tipo de sistemas de césped sintético , como el tercer sistema de generación de césped sintético del campo de fútbol , tanto las estaciones estadio de césped sintético tradicionales duraderos fáciles características técnicas, de mantenimiento , sino que también tienen el césped natural campos de fútbol de movimiento de las prestaciones del sistema , los efectos visuales , el desempeño ambiental.

En el país , la mayor parte del fabricante de césped sintético, directo canción híbrido producido en serie césped sintético , hierba parte de su material de base curvada de elección para el polipropileno , debido a que el material en sí tiene defectos , haciendo que el uso real del efecto del producto no es bueno , el césped sintético especial acorta la vida del producto . Para cambiar este fenómeno , los fabricantes de césped sintético introducido un material de polipropileno con nylon alternativa series césped sintético híbrido lineal y curvilíneo , a través de la aplicación práctica , mejoran en gran medida el rendimiento del producto y la vida útil .

Como jardín tradicional verde único costo relativamente alto mantenimiento, y lo más importante , sus plagas , fertilizantes, pesticidas , hojas y ramas caídas , etc de un espacio tan pequeño como un hogar de producir relativamente grande de contaminación y haría la mayoría de las personas , especialmente los ancianos y niños causan alergias en la piel y otros riesgos de salud adversos. Con el desarrollo del avance de la tecnología moderna , favorable al medio ambiente de material plástico en una forma que tiene una visión realista flores artificiales y césped entró en vigor, estas plantas artificiales de apariencia natural , vivo , casi real.

En el balcón de la familia y el enverdecimiento patio pretende jardinería en lugar de dejarlos hacer el oxígeno, por lo que tiene un verdadero flores artificiales y las plantas de la hierba de la familia más ecológico ventaja incomparable . Esto es en los últimos años en Europa y es ampliamente respetado y dio la bienvenida a su casa una nueva vía verde . De esta manera no sólo se puede utilizar en verde al aire libre , pero también se puede aplicar en el interior , lo cual hace que las habitaciones pueden tener la belleza de la naturaleza . En particular , la ventaja de césped sintético también se refleja en bajos costes de mantenimiento , y puede ser como la primavera , que es precisamente para compensar la falta de planta natural de las estaciones.

Monday, September 30, 2013

césped artificial para resolver el reloj durante todo el año

césped artificial para resolver el reloj durante todo el año, la alta frecuencia de uso, los escalofríos y la fiebre de la zona en el mundo para utilizar, los problemas de mantenimiento de bajo costo y conveniente, para convertirse en el mejor material de la superficie de todo tipo de deportes, lugares de ocio y de la FIFA canción asociada networkrecognized por las instituciones de la Unión, el Reino Unido y la Liga de fútbol de Estados Unidos, se ha utilizado en muchos famosos club de fútbol campo de entrenamiento internacional, e incluso se les permite usar la sede principal de clase mundial.

La capacidad del mercado internacional: Se estima que el uso de césped artificial en el mundo ha llegado a 200 millones de metros cuadrados, la cantidad del total de más de 15 mil millones de yuanes. Año del mercado total en los Estados Unidos de cerca de 10-15 millones de metros cuadrados, Europa aproximadamente a unos 10-15 millones de metros cuadrados, Australia, alrededor de 300 metros cuadrados, así como Japón y Corea del Sur y otros mercados. La capacidad en el mercado es enorme. Los próximos cinco años es la etapa de rápido crecimiento, la tasa de crecimiento anual mundial estimada de> 15%, entrará en un periodo estable de desarrollo en los próximos 5-10 años.

La capacidad del mercado interno: el mercado interno comenzó tarde, pero un rápido desarrollo. En 1996 se instala la primera pieza de la sede de hierba artificial, en 1999, la capacidad del mercado de 500.000 metros cuadrados, aumentó rápidamente a 1,5 millones de metros cuadrados en 2001 a 400 millones de metros cuadrados en 2003, 600 millones de metros cuadrados en 2004, hasta 700 millones metros cuadrados en 2005, en 2006, cerca de 7,7 millones de metros cuadrados, 8,8 millones de metros cuadrados en 2007, la tasa anual de crecimiento interno previsto de alrededor del 12%. Suroeste, noroeste, centro y noreste de las regiones de la ciudad, en el césped artificial de la demanda está aumentando rápidamente, con la mejora de la economía nacional y la educación nacional de inversiones, incremento de deportes, el césped artificial es una gran cantidad de demanda de las ciudades de primer nivel para dos de transferencia de ciudad.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

TurfSoccer hockey synthetic turf help Chinese women's hockey team won the Asian championship

TurfSoccer hockey synthetic turf help Chinese women's hockey team won the Asian championship

November 24, 2010, the 16th session of the Guangzhou Asian Games women's synthetic turf hockey finals by TurfSoccer company and get laid by the International Hockey Federation certification (FIH) The Guangdong Olympic Sports Center hockey on the 1st Course. Chinese team after a penalty shootout, 5-4 win over South Korea, won the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games women's hockey championship.

The Asian Games four hockey synthetic turf by TurfSoccer company completed the laying of venue. State Administration of Sports Management Center softball hand curved hockey stick, vice minister of the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games hockey competition Mr. Zhao Xiaoyu, director of the Asian Games field hockey tournament four fully affirmed: "Domestic building the highest specifications with the best facilities hockey games. "Hockey players in the Asian countries to adapt to the training ground and playing field hockey, they expressed their venue construction of high quality, smooth and comfortable feeling. During the event, the environment and climate in Guangzhou so that athletes are very satisfied, we are looking forward to the race in such a venue can get good results. National Hockey Team athletes are even more that he should strive to create good results, "Our goal is the Asian champion."

That Chinese women's hockey team in by their own production and installed on site and get the tournament championship game, TurfSoccer mood and movement of all employees are as excited, happy for them, but also for their excellent performance and proud! We are deeply blessed nation hockey team in future events even better!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Germany World Cup artificial lawn technical solutions

Germany World Cup artificial lawn technical solutions

2000 European Championship in France , the 2002 World Cup and the World Cup and used grass green mixed solutions all from one hundred companies . French European Championship eight venues using ryegrass, tufted hair grass , rough bluegrass and Kentucky bluegrass , and mixtures used in various venues not exactly the same . Such as Amsterdam Arena stadium, due to shade more serious , the selected grass is: 30% forested teasel one hundred cards + 40% perennial ryegrass Tupper and one hundred Desa +30% Kentucky bluegrass Barcelona. Philips stadium Eindhoven and De Kuip Rotterdam problem without shade , grass is: 75% perennial ryegrass (Barluxe, Barrage) + 25% bluegrass one hundred Diya and Barcelona . Brussels is also used by 75% + 25% perennial ryegrass bluegrass , but then with 100% perennial ryegrass overseeding again. 12 World Cup venues are all used turf rolls, and all volumes are used the same turf grasses .

World Cup in Germany grasses ratio of 90% +10% Kentucky bluegrass , perennial ryegrass . In Kentucky bluegrass is mainly due to:

1 ) bluegrass sod production volumes particularly dense root system , root can quickly grow after transplantation , the use of lawn ahead of time . Only the root system of the lawn will have good wear resistance, strength trampling and restore performance. 2 ) bluegrass concept of uniformity and pings are currently the best of all turfgrass . 3 ) Some bluegrass varieties can be trimmed to 1cm less low , but after a very neatly trimmed , so that the lawn has enough hardness and flatness , both to ensure the impact of the ball lawn has good elasticity, improve ball on the lawn scrolling speed, and reduce the turf as the direction of movement of the ball changes . 4 ) easy bluegrass sod production volumes. 5 ) Germany mild climate, the average annual temperature is 9 ° C, no sustained cold or hot weather, most areas of the annual rainfall is 600 ~ 800mm, ideal for the growth of Kentucky bluegrass .

World Cup turf production volumes selected varieties: bluegrass one hundred Diya (Bartitia), one hundred Reese (Bariris) and Limousine, perennial ryegrass platinum (Bargold) and Roman (Romance). Commonly used in domestic football and dark green grass is different World Cup are all used in the green grass varieties, colors appear more bright lawn some visual effect is very good stadium . Of course , the choice is more important when the grass is considered a species of abrasion resistance, low resistance and root pruning level of development . As bluegrass than perennial ryegrass poor wear resistance , so adding a certain percentage of mixed ryegrass . Also to be considered shade tolerant species , as some courts have partial shade .

And other companies in Kentucky bluegrass , perennial ryegrass , tall fescue breeding is different, one hundred green companies, especially focus on improving the wear resistance of grass seed and nurture deep roots of the species. They simulated through a special football player sports equipment , screening and good wear resistance varieties. Is combined with the actual situation of the stadium , specially in the shady grass shed for abrasion resistance testing, so cultivated species can adapt to the actual situation of the stadium . While paying attention to wear , it is also further screening deep roots , resistance to low trim, slim high density and leaf varieties .

FIFA and one hundred years has been the reason why the Green collaboration is the value of a hundred varieties of green features. Domestic use bluegrass turf stadium also many varieties in the election when the general pay more attention to pruning of low -resistant varieties , leaves fineness and disease resistance , but little attention to the wear resistance of varieties and root depth , so green turf grasses used for ordinary quality will be very good, but not necessarily for good performance playground .

As FIFA World Cup ball have higher requirements , the selected bluegrass and ryegrass in fineness and trimming blade performance has significantly improved. Egeria good performance and trim varieties , not only resistant to low pruning and trimming the lawn after a very smooth, high strength, so that the maximum extent possible to reduce the friction of the ball lawn , ball higher , not easy to change the direction of the ball .

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Update fixes synthetic grass

In recent years, major cities synthetic grass area increases, so that the turf management is more important. In many cases, the turf lawn topsoil changes in the composition or the physical and chemical nature and causes of degradation seriously deteriorated. To save manpower, material resources, it may be less intense rehabilitation and replanting where lawn, lawn updates and fixes.

Maintenance of the necessary conditions to improve

1. Lawn vegetation can through selective herbicides kill weeds components.

2. Lawn vegetation composed primarily of perennial weeds.

3. Insects or pathogenic factors or other causes serious damage to the lawn.

4. Lawn organic layer is too thick, uneven surface of the soil texture, surface 3-5 cm of soil compaction serious.

See lawn degradation, we should first understand the reason of the deterioration of the lawn, can address the problem, formulated the correct and feasible solutions

Update fixes synthetic grass

1. Ping Ping bed preparation bed preparation should first consider the use of herbicides to control weeds. Second, the in-depth vertical trim, decrease, in extreme cases, in order to completely get rid of the organic layer. When the topsoil compaction is not serious, but also for high-strength core soil tillage and resistance levels. In the arable soil, shall apply fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), lime should be added to acidic fertilizer, the amount depending on the nutritional status of the application Chuangtu OK.

2. Select lovegrass can be repaired, but mostly by seed propagation. Should be chosen completely adapted to the local environmental conditions, grass, lawn, and consider the consistency.

3. Planting and sowing methods sowing seed tray. Standard sowing sowing, sowing should be shallow rake and rolled. CD-ROM disc with a special planter is completed, generally do not light harrow and rolling.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

artificial turf sports will be able to reflect our country's comprehensive national strength

In the 21st century, artificial turf sports will be able to reflect our country's comprehensive national strength, the grand cause of national spirit. The rapid development of modern science and technology, sports produced an unprecedented impact, so science and technology development for sports development has become a decisive factor in the level, which sports advanced, novel materials development and application of science and technology is to improve the level of sports is one of the important conditions . 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, also proposes a "People's Olympics, Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics" concept. Thus, the development of high-tech materials in sport sports industry plays a pivotal role.

Fill in the country accounted for 95% of the particulate artificial turf, but many schools in the choice of products is often easy to overlook when the construction of the most important aspects, artificial turf construction techniques for artificial turf in later life and increasing maintenance is very important. Foundation construction quality inspection and acceptance, the laying of venue should be clean, the surface should be dry, smooth, no debris, no wax stains, grease, the minimum application temperature should be maintained at above 10 ℃. Using theodolite or other instruments to measure compliance with playground facilities around the size, if inappropriate Department should immediately be amended to allow error ± 5 mm.

High-tech materials to use in sport has widespread, not only make sports competition more intense, athletic performance continues to improve, but also to enrich the content of national fitness campaign to accelerate the popularization of national fitness campaign and promotion. High-tech materials use in sport is the need for rapid development of sports and sports development, in turn, forced the people to seriously explore the use of new materials, research and development of high-tech materials and the development of the relationship between sport and thus more further improve the high-tech materials to use in sport's role and increase the use of new materials for sports workers ability. You can believe that, with the gradual development of sports materials science and maturity, sports materials technology research and development will play an increasingly important role in its.

After 40 years of development, artificial turf has been used in various sports venues and leisure facilities, FIFA has decided to adopt the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, artificial sports turf. However, there are people in the development of artificial turf is more attention to their sports performance, while ignoring its environment, the relationship between athletes with artificial turf sports performance more perfect, in the future people will be moving in high simulation artificial turf performance, environmental performance and comfort performance sport development.

artificial turf

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Foreign artificial grass substrate manufacturers Brock International company announced the implementation of a Security MVP race

Foreign artificial grass substrate manufacturers Brock International company announced the implementation of a Security MVP race, and thus to the American schools to promote "safe and athletic achievements equally important concept." The best performance in the competition will receive awards schools - $ 5,000 worth of sports equipment. Brock has also recently launched a special designed to protect the safety of youth artificial grass base and drainage layers.

artificial grass

Brock International International's CEO, said: "Due to a concussion and brain injury probability continue to rise on a global scale, we want all schools to ensure that students recognize the importance of safety and health of athletes and our team hope that this game can be for more coaches, schools, parents and other people's attention, they play an active role. thereby reducing American youth in the sports arena frequency and severity of injuries. "

Face the Nation this competition open to middle school and high school students, participants need to create a video no longer than 5 minutes, the video to show people why the safety and athletic performance is just as important. The idea to shoot the video work must be completed by the student and encourage coaches, teachers, school staff, athletes and their families participate in a video shoot.
The surface layer of the head impact sport athletes suffer brain damage are four reasons. And the company-specific artificial grass juvenile protection pad products are currently the only U.S. base required to achieve the desired movement of athletes and students can protect protection pad products. The company's products PowerBase protective pads have been installed worldwide to 25 million square feet of artificial grass sports field below. This product has been shown to reduce the impact, thereby reducing the chance of suffering a concussion and intensity. You can also prevent and reduce hips, elbows, knees and other parts of the body when the surface layer of impact sport the damage.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Vibrating beam mixing synthetic turf

Vibrating beam mixing synthetic turf

  Fully vibrated concrete mixture, and then vibrating beam further synthetic turf drag and initially the entire dry tap. Vibrating beam and from 2 to 3 times drag, so that the surface pan pulp and out of the bubbles. Move it slow vibrating beam uniformity, and not half-way stop, forward speed 1.2 ~ 1.5m per minute is appropriate. Where acts of injustice, should be supplemented by artificial digging fill level. Butian smaller mixing things when it is appropriate, but are prohibited from using pure mortar filled.
       Finally, seamless roll bar further tumbling surface, the surface further enhance the pulp and mix thoroughly dry tone.
       Make a request in
       A plaster on the concrete surface is strictly prohibited sprinkle sprinkler or cement.
       2 No vacuum suction process, the wiping surface is generally carried out twice. The first time in leveling forthwith. Get rid of bleeding and pressure pebbles. Second hand side must be concrete bleed water has basically ended, but the surface is still in the initial setting state when wet.
       3 compacting concrete slab surface should be smooth, with 3m straightedge check flatness.
       4 smooth nap after the transverse direction or embossing roll groove Crimp groove, so that the concrete pavement with rough textured surface. GBJ97-87 provides  highways and urban roads, factories, mines and roads nap and pressure trough depth should be 1 ~ 2mm.
       5 When the wind and sun exposure or drought, the surface should be done under the awning.
       6 Concrete Pavement Maintenance Requirements
       A concrete pavement 12 hours immediately after pouring water conservation. Curing time of 20 to 25 days, closed to traffic during the curing period.
       Two water water conservation clay building warehouse available. Warehouse building height and sub-positions should be sized to ensure that all roads are soaked in water principle.
       3 timed continued conservation of water should be added, and its duration shall be subject to weather conditions.
       4 building should pay attention to protect the pavement and curbs, to prevent damage to the concrete pavement.

Monday, July 15, 2013

artificial lawn Discussion

artificial lawn Discussion

Rapid economic development in the 21st century, with the needs of the market to fill the emergence of artificial lawn natural grass many flaws and shortcomings. To the sports industry has brought great influence and change.

I contacted the nearest golf course turf for two years to make some impression Talking practices.

Unlike natural grass artificial lawn The main difference is that the artificial lawn own advantage makes the construction and maintenance easier. Natural grass construction cost of manpower, material resources, costs are much higher than the construction of artificial lawn. artificial lawn construction is simple, concrete steps: First test underlined the artificial lawn expand and make the processing margins and trim, with particular attention should neatly trimmed turf converge in place, can not overlap the seams to heal, most edge of the wire and wire grass grass not too far away, at most, a spacing distance of the turf. Side seam bonding glue to be painted in uniform, going to be the glue to dry to solidify when turfed. And impose appropriate pressure seams for full adhesion. Adhesion to wait until the site boundary turf natural shrinkage after a long day with a knife draw a line along the boundaries of digital bits cut out, and the line width of the white turf cut into long strips of adhesive sticking to the cutting out of the boundary located compacted. Turf pavement is almost complete. The final step is filling the stadium quartz sand and plastic particles, the first layer of quartz sand evenly spreading ballast wire grass to play the role of natural erection, and then spreading ballast plastic particles. Note quartz sand can not be too large, otherwise the use of time is too long will cause the wire grass sanded off affecting life.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

synthetic grass field applications suitable for you?

synthetic grass field applications suitable for you?

In addition to the use of indoor plants scene decoration flowers and plants placed outside briefly, linking species rich, unique shape bionic plant use, and on-site space perfect connectivity, construction of the perfect, amazing views.

synthetic grass landscaping lot of benefits:

A bionic vision plants from sunlight, air, water and other natural weather premise constraints can be based on site requirements Xpress selection of plant varieties, either barren desert northwest desert still can build a green world seasons like spring;

Second, without watering, fertilizing, do not worry about dry withered plants for the future governance save a lot of costs;

Three, followed by rapid skills to carry out the construction of information, design thinking and ideas to an unprecedented liberation, more and more present in our enormous interior space of career, synthetic grass landscaping the garden scene results excellent introduction Indoor palm plants, just cater to the needs of such space landscaping, construction of the plant can not complete the scene popular results. The so-called \ "low-carbon life \" refers to the daily life in the rest of minimizing the energy consumption, touches every aspect of our career. Our simulation tree produced from natural raw materials much more expensive than living plants, living plants not only on the original damage is not formed and trimmed increasingly promote plant development, mining down through the branches of our extraordinary technology manufacturing into various lifelike , a mix of spectacle cases and maintenance of plants not only beautify the vegetation, the maximum limit to reduce carbon consumption, let us join hands together to build a low-carbon green career tide together to safeguard our homes to make I should dedicate it.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Professional Soccer&Football Grass S50172

Professional Soccer&Football Grass S50172


1) Natural grass appearance

2) Unique U shaped monofilament yarn

3) Excellent upright ability

4) Good wear-resistance and weather-resistance


Pile height 20-65mm
Yarn weight 11000 Dtex
Yarn type PE / Monofilament / 6 F
Color         Dark Green, Lemon Green, Bi-color(Mixed)
Guarantee 6-8 years

synthetic turf

This product information comes from TurfSoccer.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The artificial turf of the future trend in the international market

The artificial turf of the future trend in the international market

artificial turf due to the use of chemical fiber materials, with durable, easy maintenance, and good surface uniformity, since the launch of the mid-1960s and has been favored by the market, especially suitable for surface flatness and uniformity requirements higher event. But it also has significant disadvantages, such as hardness, poor cushioning properties. Therefore, on the artificial turf and natural grass choice problems, has been in the sports venue managers, builders and related debate among scholars.

Professional Landscaping Grass L30916

Followed by the production of artificial turf technology continues to improve and perfect, has been completely replaced the Import Products. And, there are many manufacturers the proportion of exports accounted for 30% of production, this situation, which shows our artificial turf in a few short years has made great strides. Coupled with China's huge domestic market, the country among major institutions have been commonly used artificial grass instead of natural grass. Domestic cost of production has obvious advantages, I believe that in the near future, China's artificial turf in the international market has made a certain position.

artificial turf without spraying pesticides, post-maintenance water for much less than natural grass, but artificial grass silk fibers containing various inorganic additives and pigments chromium, lead, cadmium and other heavy metals has not completely avoided. The future will completely eliminate heavy metals and various additives harm, other, select lawn preparation material, fully consider its recyclability, and strive to achieve all the materials can be repeatedly used.

not only in the color of artificial turf and natural grass close to the shape, but also has a natural grass aroma, more importantly, should be quiet, comfortable no activity constitutes injury, head ancient artificial turf is yet to reach a peaceful natural grass is soft to the touch activities and comfortable experience. Activities in progress in artificial turf performance while, so comfort and tranquility, usefulness sliding tackles to prevent athletes foot sprain may be presented or skin scratched, and easy to quickly adapt to the players.

artificial turf grass industry solve the birth day of the year class sports venues can use high frequencies, heat and cold regions around the world use, low cost and convenient maintenance and other issues, so the artificial turf has become a variety of sports and leisure venues best surface materials, and get FIFA, FIH, Network Alliance, the United Kingdom and the United States Football League and other institutions recognized and has been used in many international famous football club training ground, and even be allowed to use in the major world-class venue.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

artificial lawn in a non-life plastic fiber products as raw materials

Although there are concerns Steigenberger dogs Thinley, artificial turf on the football industry is undoubtedly the company is still a big market. They must try to obtain the approval of UEFA, or, a better approach is to complete is called "FIFA quality concept on artificial turf," the rigorous testing program, which was supported by the authority of FIFA's recommendation required The. Once they have been approved, while tests are successful and to make the world a greater recognition of major groups within the artificial turf, artificial turf will then have a very optimistic prospects for development.

artificial lawn in a non-life plastic fiber products as raw materials, the use of artificial turf to be produced by the method. It is the solution to the use of high intensity, extreme adverse growing conditions and other natural and should not be difficult to grow grass lawn planting an important way. Compared with natural grass, artificial lawn has a very distinct advantages and disadvantages. If you can weather use, subject to rain, snow weather affect small; easy maintenance, low maintenance costs; material environment, the surface layer is recyclable, etc., is the irreplaceable natural turf, so, artificial lawn is ideal for comparing the frequency of use high school sports, or a variety of training courses. However, artificial lawn is used in chemical fiber materials, but also with asphalt or concrete as a grass-roots, so its surface hardness, cushioning performance is poor, can easily lead athletes ankle and knee injuries; while its surface temperature amplitude, in particular, in the summer, the highest temperature up to 52 ℃, such high temperatures for the athletes and the environment will have a great impact.

artificial lawn turf surface can be divided into two types: mosaic and braided. Braided nylon woven grass, finished into a blanket. Fascicles with inlaid turf compared to weave artificial lawn complicated production process, the price is relatively expensive, lawn surface hardness, buffer performance is not good, but the lawn is good, strong and durable, ideal for tennis, hockey, lawn bowling movement. Mosaic lawn lawn with braided compared leafy longer fiber length and the variation is large, ranging from 12mm to 55mm, and can be adjusted according to specific needs. The grass filled quartz sand, rubber granules or a mixture of both, etc. Appearance performance is closer to natural grass, indoor and outdoor installation, suitable for soccer, football, baseball and so on.

artificial lawn production of materials generally two types: PP (Polypropylene, PP) and polyethylene (Polyethylene, PE). PP material artificial lawn solid buffer force is smaller, generally applies to smaller impact sports such as tennis. PE materials and artificial lawn is soft, cushioning, good performance, the athlete's harmful effects, suitable for larger impact sports such as football, rugby and so on. Mixing two materials may be produced artificial lawn, so the advantages of both can be integrated to meet the special needs of competition. For some high-intensity sports competitions, in order to improve the quality and minimize competition injuries of athletes, the choice of artificial lawn, generally comparatively high to choose a fibrous material, is generally 25 ~ 50mm, and to choose PEartificial lawn or PE / PP hybrid material artificial lawn. Construction of artificial lawn playground, in the choice of artificial lawn height, generally consider the overall budget pitch height relatively high artificial lawn, their construction and maintenance cost is also relatively high in many European schools sports often choose the height of 19mm Lawn, 25 ~ 32mm height on artificial lawn can provide a high quality playground, and some professional stadium artificial lawn is usually high at 50 ~ 55mm, the height generally considered ideal artificial lawn limit. Some American football stadium, artificial lawn at a higher height of about 70mm, but under normal circumstances, such a high artificial lawn playground and rare.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

FIFA U-20 World Cup selection synthetic grass pitch

FIFA U-20 World Cup selection synthetic grass pitch

In the just-concluded FIFA U-20 World Youth Championship in Canada, synthetic grass was again selected as the venue FIFA, the game is the second after the World Youth Championship in Finland and Peru, FIFA third time in synthetic grass court held world-class game.

The tournament in addition to using synthetic grass, there are some games on natural turf, FIFA do not know whether the purpose of the move during the lawn horizontal comparison.

TurfSoccer for this game offers two pitches, respectively, Montreal's Olympic Stadium, and many more gallons BMO Stadium, the opening ceremony of the tournament, quarterfinals, semifinals and the finals are TurfSoccer synthetic grass carried on.

This two venues laying TurfSoccerFTOM 1S series are synthetic grass.

Especially multi-Lun much BMO Stadium, it not only took 12 games this tournament, it is also the MLS (U.S. Major League Soccer) Multi-Lun multi FC home and Canadian national soccer team.

Monday, May 27, 2013

artificial grass football field because of its construction in a variety of solid ground

Turf soccer surface hardness and roughness on the impact of football

If the natural turf soccer field surface smooth, no sod off, and on a clear day for the game, it will promote the sound development of football. However, the natural turf football field by foundations and rain weather greater impact, once the rainy days and sod off and so will result in slippery site, potholes, likely to cause athletes knee, ankle sprains, and may frequent resulting in a sudden change in football running routes, affecting football players technical and tactical play. Even on a sunny day, if sod off, will highlight the football field surface hardness of the drawbacks of increasing the athlete easily produce abrasions, contusions probability of occurrence, impact sound development of football.

artificial grass football field because of its construction in a variety of solid ground (eg: rubber, asphalt, concrete, concrete), the thickness is larger, which determines its site surface flatness; artificial turf soccer field and build a drainage device, so affected by changes in the weather has little effect, can be seen in terms of a single from the field flatness artificial grass football field football is more suitable to carry out. In addition, the artificial turf football field in order to increase the stability of the base of widely used lawn filled rubber granules, determine its hardness, as far as possible buffer athlete or a powerful football force, thereby reducing the athlete's injury.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

synthetic turf soccer field construction and management has become a science

It comes to football people will naturally think of football that beautiful lawn, because with the development of the times, just as some on the carpet for judo, like football will certainly be on the lawn. Traces its history, about the thirteenth century, there is something called the British Chambers Cricket (Lawn Bowling) movement began to appear, which is the first held on the lawn sports, football on the lawn will have to the seventeenth century, in the United Kingdom has been a public soccer field synthetic turf. By the eighteenth century, except UK, Germany, France, Australia and other countries have great Che Ping soccer popularity. It is worth mentioning that in 1830 an Englishman invented the lawn mower, the invention is not the end of the use of sheep grazing to maintain the lawn of history, but also greatly promoted the lawn various sports including football, including the development of . Up to now, lawns L for outside sports except football has been a lot, such as golf, baseball, football, horse racing and so on.

synthetic turf soccer field construction and management has become a science, site design and construction also has formed a complete system. International football field design specifications have - some numbers and basic principles, these elements can be found in some books will not repeat them here because of space limitations. This article only the development of football history and general performance requirements as well as several popular methods soccer field caused a brief introduction for your reference.

Monday, May 20, 2013

awareness of synthetic turf is not enough

Since 1999 the introduction of synthetic turf, thus beginning the prelude to the development of Synthetic turf industry in China. Just a few years, all over the country start to appear and no fewer than two dozen lawn manufacturers, coupled with the agents of foreign brands in China, China's synthetic turf industry has begun to take shape, the industry chain is gradually formed. It can be said that the synthetic turf industry in China has started to enter the growth stage of industrial development.

Throughout the course of development of the domestic and foreign markets, we can easily find that: Compared with the normal operation of the international market and sound development of the domestic synthetic turf industry development is still quite immature. From the the production technical point of view, the level of research and development of raw materials also far less than some well-known foreign manufacturers of raw materials; from the production process, most of the domestic manufacturers have not yet reached the level of technology of the foreign counterparts, the quality of the products produced far less than the imported products . Installed laying on this link, countless large and small contractors, strength, quality, ideas and pavement uneven process, but also because of the lack of funds of many end customers, awareness of synthetic turf is not enough, forcing many contractors on the project in order to reduce costs, not be able to strictly implement the relevant standards in the pavement, causing some problems for some contractors Shishuwunai. In foreign markets is unthinkable. Therefore, industry development, can only say that is still quite immature.

Domestic high-end lawn market original imported synthetic Turf; high-end market is mainly based on raw material imports, domestic production of the main; market of low-end lawn is based on domestic raw materials. From the current situation of China's economic development, imported lawn because the price is too high, the market's capacity is limited, therefore, the customer base for such products will become smaller and smaller. For the low-end market in terms of the lawn, as the market is getting higher and higher product quality requirements, its quality is gradually able to satisfy demand. Synthetic turf located in the high-end market in terms of quality with imported products comparable, much higher than the low-end grass; price is much lower than the imported lawn, generally acceptable to the public, the so-called "international quality , domestic prices, "it is to adapt to the needs of the law of development of things, it has a huge space for development. The development of the market trend in this level.

Friday, May 17, 2013

excellent sports type synthetic turf identify indicators

I provide excellent sports type synthetic turf identify indicators for the majority of readers:

A brand:

Brand itself on behalf of quality, price, service, quality of raw materials, production technology, production equipment three decisions. Select Synthetic turf brand should first understand the history of the development of the brand, testing and certification authority at home and abroad, a good brand must have a stable quality assurance and perfect after-sales service system.

Second, the product quality

1, Appearance: bright color, no color; grass seedlings formation, tufted uniform consistency; bottom with plastic moderate and penetrate into the backing, the overall smooth, uniform stitch length, no jumpers.

2, feel: fingers carding grass seedlings soft and smooth, palm the soft reduction seedlings rebound is good, the bottom will not tear easily.

3, wire grass Performance: open net clean, burr-free; incision formation, no significant contraction.

4, using professional equipment production, and detected by the international authority and certification.

5, the use of high-grade materials and high-quality production technology, professional services in one step.

6, DTEX: dtex is the international fiber industry standard, refers to the weight in grams of a fiber every million meters, the grass fibers conventional specifications 6300,7400,8800,10000,11000, the coefficient greater the heavier the weight, the better the quality .

7, density: cluster capacity density is an important indicator of the lawn technical parameters, refers to the capacity number of stitches per square meter cluster.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

the Tuodong Stadium's synthetic turf become all the vectors of the "enemy"

In Japan, high school league, the venue and even better than the Super League! 2010 U13 League a total of 117 teams, and there are several types of Japanese high school ages game, participating teams is to reach 4000! A high school student team maybe a year could reach more than 200 matches are held. Expenditure in the 2010 budget of the Japan Football Association coach spread business a of 3.374255 billion yen (about 250 million yuan), second only to Japan's national team spending budget. As for the venue, the worst is the synthetic turf.

In Europe, young children play, almost become a habit throughout the city allow members of the public are free to play, even the lawn in front of the Palace of Versailles is no exception. Look at our young people, and even yet the National League in the vegetable garden, do not expect to someday be able to kick a ball in the square.

Let's look at the people "can not afford to hurt the Orangemen. November 13, 2005, the Chinese national team, and Serbia and Montenegro team friendlies staged in Nanjing Olympic Sports Center, they were greeted by messy scaffolding and poor site conditions.

September 3, 2010, the national football stadium in the maritime with Iran in a warm-up match, eventually losing 0-2, the worst performance is not Orangemen in the game, but this piece of rotten vegetables. Marine stadium, home to the Jianye club, the Football Association will race in this election, is that as much as possible Province, site fees, which is the Football Association's practice can be understood but we can not help but also ask, be willing to spend 118 million higher price Stadium , Jianye how in the usual lawn maintenance on the province in that money?

September 2, 2011, the first round of the World Cup Round of 20 match, the Orangemen in Tuodong Stadium against Singapore. In addition to the match referee played a major role, the Tuodong Stadium's synthetic turf become all the vectors of the "enemy", the opening is less than 10 minutes, the venue has been bumpy, synthetic turf is not only soft, and very "fragile", as long as the team is a force slightly stomp, will set off a. Final Orangemen in a vegetable plot and mud played a very "food" game. It is reported that in order to meet the arrival of the 20 finals, the Football Association commissioned the Ford company repair Tuodong Stadium synthetic turf and live the big screen, and before the promised 2 million synthetic turf Zhongxiu Fei did not put in place, but unfortunately only by Hongta base synthetic turf to fill the hole. World Cup opener after the game, Xie Hui in the micro-Bo said, "In case of no confrontation Zhao Xuri synthetic turf tripped over, God, some of the players feel like playing beach soccer."

Friday, May 10, 2013

Based on a combination of grass and trees, synthetic grass can be divided into the following types

Based on a combination of grass and trees, synthetic grass can be divided into the following types:

    1. Open lawn

    The grass planting trees and shrubs or a small number of species in the surrounding. Grass of more open range, mainly for sports games, the activity of the masses with lawn, usually for visitors walk, rest, the festival can be used for performance venues. Visually compare a single, an open, simple, magnificent momentum in the artistic effect, the disadvantage is poor shade conditions.

    2. Blocking lawn

    Open grassland around, if it is surrounded by other trees, buildings, soil Hill above the eye level of the scene, this is surrounded by the scenery whether it is connected with or intermittent, as long as the share of grassland around the perimeter of up to 3 / 5 above; barrier height of the scene above the eye level, the height is greater than the long axis of the grass average length of 1/10 (i.e., line-of-sight elevation angles of more than 5-6 hours), it is called the latching lawn.

    3. Cheerful lawn

    Less than 3/5 of the border around the lawn is not above the eye level of the scene barrier, called this lawn cheerful lawn.

    4. Savanna lawn

    When the lawn sparse distribution plant trees and shrubs, great spacing, when these trees covering an area (canopy density) of 20% to 30% of the total area of ​​the lawn, known as the savanna lawn. The savanna Lawn for large numbers of people recreation lawn, has a certain shade of conditions, sometimes compared with the views of the lawns.

    5. Sparse lawn

    Decorated with tall trees on the grass, the spacing of about 10m, canopy density of 30% to 60%. Open lawn, suitable for spring and autumn holidays or subtropical regions winter mass sports activities or outdoor activities; the savanna lawn suitable for spring holidays and winter recreation activities. But in the hot summer season, because there is no shade of trees in the meadow, and thus can not be used. This sparse lawn, the shade of trees, planting grass herb lawn smaller absolute area, both for small-scale activities, also available for visitors in the tree-lined downstream open, read, picnic, air bath and other activities.

    6. Understory lawn

    In the canopy density greater than 70% of the jungle, or within the groups of trees understory, understory light transmission coefficient is small, positive Gramineae difficult to grow, can only grow some more water content of negative herb, species of woodland and groups of trees, due to the spacing of the trees is very dense, not suitable for visitors in the understory, too many visitors to enter, it will affect the growth of trees, understory negative herb high water content within the organization, stampede resistance, thus understory grass to watch and maintain soil erosion, visitors are not allowed to enter.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

little systematic study of artificial grass yarn

Nano calcium carbonate in activities lawn fiber, the use of

With the development of modern sports activities, the State Administration of Work Safety announced the "dangerous chemicals license applies to industry mesh the artificial grass gradually people of all ages with its weather, simulation, durability and protection simple upper hand, much to replace the natural lawn of the potential the Shanghai Huayi 32 tons / year of acrylic acid and esters project environmental impact assessment public lawn fiber or showing some shortcomings, such as low strength, could easily lead to sprains and other members of activities. Paint Summit Forum and the 2011 annual top ten paint awards ceremony held in Beijing put forward the application of nanotechnology to the production of artificial grass to solve some shortcomings of the lawn fiber itself, through years of research, the Sichuan Online news (Sichuan Online intern reporter Wang Lei) today, and confirmed the artificial grass silk fibers into nano-CaCO3 progress artificial grass silk fiber strength, January Sichuan export of titanium dioxide are private enterprises in general trade export; Brazil, ASEAN and South Korea were the top three export markets, greatly enhance the active member with artificial grass knot third

Man-made activities for wire grass masterbatch dispersion and weathering

With the rapid development of the sports industry and the progress of the people's health awareness.

The lawn man-made activities more and more been widely adopted. The market share in Sichuan during the same period 58.6% of the total exports of titanium dioxide, a lot of the production of man-made activities lawn manufacturers at home and abroad, but masterbatch, little systematic study of artificial grass yarn. Global ferroalloy network 2013-3-14: National People's Congress in Beijing to attend the second session of the National People's Congress meeting, Panzhihua Municipal Committee, Mayor Zhang Yan, masterbatch dispersion and weather resistance research progress. Advances in artificial grass color fastness, talked about the pace of domestic continue to do a good job in the innovative development and utilization of the strategic resources of vanadium and titanium, greatly accelerated the high-performance artificial grass yarn.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The current artificial turf pitches already has a quality of natural grass.

The current artificial turf pitches already has a quality of natural grass. More precisely, playing football on artificial turf has many advantages. New research results on the lawn fiber and system architecture makes increasing use of artificial turf in football.

The same type of movement in the environment

For the race to match the quality of the quality of the sports venues is essential. Therefore, in the production of artificial turf fibers, or the construction of artificial turf pitch, so that the characteristics of the lawn with the characteristics of the ball game, our artificial turf to achieve the desired level. It makes tackles, lob, sprint, turn and stop all movements are expressed more desirable.

Durability and efficiency

artificial turf stadium withstand high-frequency use. Compared with other similar products on the market made ​​by our wire grass artificial turf tough wear and extend the life of the stadium, and maintain long-term good quality. artificial turf advantage is self-evident: Suitable for frequent movement of the competition and training venue, even experienced bad weather can be quickly restored, and more can be used as a multi-purpose court.


Most ball games, body collision more intense, especially football, so security is of crucial importance for the artificial turf pitch: high-quality artificial turf can buffer the harm fall, thus avoiding the serious injuries of athletes.


Multifunctional artificial turf stadium, the main reason is its ability to provide for sports and children safe and healthy environment. It can replace natural turf stadium of dust, but also to prevent the pain caused by the fall of the cement stadium.

The purchase of artificial turf should pay special attention to quality issues, poor-quality lawn broken into fine dust and sand, and will do harm to the human respiratory system, the growing child injury is more serious.

Friday, May 3, 2013

it is applied to the lawn of the high level of conservation and management

Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.; Agrostis stolonifera) are often used in golf course greens, tees, and fairways, courtyard and park green space can also be used. Because of its delicate texture, resistance to low pruning, it is applied to the lawn of the high level of conservation and management.

Thin bentgrass the Ying (Agrostis tenius) mainly distributed in the northeastern United States and New Zealand, commonly used in the fairways and greens of the golf course, but also a small amount for the courtyard green space, more common in the old cemetery near. It is a big advantage the upward growth characteristics, however, it is poor tolerance for the ambient pressure (for example, heat intolerance trampling), and uneven lawn varieties, and gradually decreased over time, turf quality. It is suitable for the low pH of the soil is often used in the Mixture.

Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) leaves a rough texture, green for extensive management. Its main advantage is rapid germination floor space fast, but not cold resistant and high temperature. Does not apply to high-quality lawn.

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is widely used cool-season turfgrass Mixture of Northern Kentucky bluegrass, applied to the courtyard lawns, golf courses and sports turf; used for sowing dormant bermudagrass lawn in the south .
The main advantages of perennial ryegrass germination fast (5-7 days), seedlings of high activity, and therefore floor space quickly (much faster than other cool-season turfgrass), In addition, it has the following advantages: 1) long life; 2) heat; 3) resistant to trampling; 4) insect; 5) resistance to low trim can be used for Bermuda grass in the winter sowing.

The main disadvantage of perennial ryegrass: 1) susceptible to diseases against; 2) leaves hard, and therefore more difficult to trim; 3) rapid vertical growth Mixture easily lead to rootzones uneven surface; 4) sparse cluster growth characteristics, slow to reproduce (some genotypes seem to have the rhizome growth characteristics); 5) vulnerable to frost damage in winter; 6) as repair damaged lawn grass, or Bermuda grass in the winter sowing grass seed, it showed too much lasting impact normal turf quality.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Compared with the currently the artificial lawn widely used black waste tire filled with particles

2008 "Provincial College Students practice innovative training projects funded project; the school 9th university Scientific and Technological Works Competition Grand Prize in December 2008; May 2009 ** City Students at First patent Achievements Exhibition Award of Excellence. In 2007-2008, the pre-production sample through the heavy metal content of the French LABOSPORT and South Korea and other countries industry authority and other poisonous substances detected. Eleventh Challenge Cup provincial qualifiers selection of the views of experts in 2009 to fill the gaps of the type of product, the result of an election A.

Achievements into the agreement was signed in 2008, the trial production and sales, laying exemplary football venues in Ireland and other countries.

With a rubber Material Co., Ltd. signed a the achievements into technical cooperation agreement.

Compared with the currently the artificial lawn widely used black waste tire filled with particles, the work does not contain carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs, environmental protection, wear-resistant, high elastic, soft, anti-aging, rich colors, thermoplastic recyclable obvious technical characteristics and advantages, and its use in exactly the same way as the existing filler particles show a broad market prospects, replace the existing black waste tire particles. Europe has banned the use of waste tire particles, for example, each year about 2,500 football fields a total of approximately 20 million square meters of artificial lawn requires new or modified, a football field takes about 80 tons of filler particles, particles of about 200,000 annual demand ton, the market value of about 5-10 billion, 5% of new lawn this environmentally friendly filler particles, only the European market, the market value reached about 5,000 million / year, the world is at least more than 1 billion / year , profits and taxes of about 20 million yuan / year, and with the increasing requirements of environmental protection, its market share will gradually increase, industrialization prospects are very impressive. Our work through the detection of authoritative testing organizations in France, Korea and other countries, and in Ireland, South Korea, laying exemplary football field, laying in Ireland RINGS END Ireland football field is to reach the highest FIFA Award industry standards.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

History and the current status of the world's synthetic turf football field

History and the current status of the world's synthetic turf football field

Traced back to around the 13th century, the British movement called court Cricket (Lawn Bowling) is the first held on the lawn sports, football on the lawn will have to the 17th century in the United Kingdom has a public football course turf. To the 18th century, in addition to the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia and other countries turf soccer field there are a lot of popularity. It is worth mentioning that in 1830 an Englishman invented the lawnmower, this invention is not only the end of the history of the use of sheep grazing to maintain the lawn, but also greatly promoted the development of a number of sports including football, including. Lawn sports except football, golf, baseball, football, horse racing.

(1) European Football Stadium
Germany, France, Britain and other countries soccer turf studies have shown that these countries turf soccer field soil is mainly sand. 1990s resistance to trampling, from the Racecourse lawn study references over the surface soil mixed with nylon mesh, which can effectively enhance soil tear resistance.

(2) stadium in the United States and Canada
The early 1960s, many universities in the United States alone, lawn stadium caused a lot of research technology, people also have a lot of the Institute, all the seedbed with sand made. Commonly used in the construction system PAT system or CELL system, the biggest feature of this system is forced drainage, rainy days can continue the game, water conservation, space utilization.

(3) Australia, New Zealand and other countries soccer field
These countries football, horse racing and other sports venues soil matrix is ​​mainly sand-based, but there are also individual using the mixed soil, the grass to Bermuda-based, and rely on winter sowing of annual ryegrass (Bermudagrass) throughout the year to keep the evergreen.

(4) China's football field
China Synthetic turf stadium construction technology basically has not been studied. In the 1980s some football field after the transplantation of natural turf football field, built a lot of sports venues to the 1990s along with the vigorous development of football from south to north. Construction level of the football field does not improve, some venues simply the use of foreign construction theory to build. The vast majority of site use efficiency is low maintenance difficult, the transformation of the surface in order to complete the game tasks have to be repeated. Sometimes in order to important games, six months in advance have closure. Lawn football field in Europe and the United States in the state of intact lawn weekly for 2-3 days, the grass of the options are limitless. In fact, China's turf soccer field construction technology over the birthplace of football countries such as Britain and Germany, also very different. In today's competitive football, football field small changes will affect the athletes' skill levels to play. Football training ground for many countries now use requirements and formal venue. Chinese football to the world, made of first-class football training ground and playing field, so that athletes in training usually has a good feeling of trained the superb skills is the subject of future research by our professional staff.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Choice of golf course tee Taiwan synthetic grass

Choice of golf course tee Taiwan synthetic grass

Golf course teeing lawn (Tee): kick-off with a base floor. Generally between the ground and kick-off the stage with two spherical markers, 5 yards away (5.57M). Kick-off line between the markers left lane, each tee has forced all the kick-off line, high hole tee line, known as the "champion" kick-off line, the middle of the other players, the front the kick-off line for female athletes. Serve the shape of a generally rectangular or similar rectangular.

Tee area of ​​approximately 9.29m2, a variety of shapes, such as from the shape, square, semi-circular, round, S-shaped, U-shaped and L-shaped. But the most commonly used one is from the shape from the shape easy to build and easy to maintenance and management. Standard golf course tee is from the shape. The general location of the tees are high, a good line of sight.

Tee lawn Select:
Boreal, temperate: Kentucky bluegrass;
Transition zone: Zoysia grass, Kentucky bluegrass, mowing height of about 1.9cm;
Tropical and subtropical: bermudagrass, Zoysia japonica, Zoysia tenuifolia, seashore paspalum (saline heavy region), mowing height about 1.3cm.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

when artificial grass filler particles is very uniform

How to clean and for how long the cleaning time, the advice given by the technical experts, the effect is achieved with a rotating brush clean the floor surface is evenly filled with particles and combing wire grass; grass at least cleaned once a week to do maintenance when the site is drywhen the best artificial grass because every winter generally have little maintenance, so this season the need for artificial grass depth cleaning.

Technical experts have even talked about some of the details and timetable for reference, for example, when artificial grass filler particles is very uniform, but need to be cleaned, to the need to increase the rotating brush, so you can clean the surface but does not affect the filler particles. Another example of a standard football field, grass silk combing every time takes about 2 hours, generally needs to be done 20 times a year; supplement the work of the filler particles each year takes at least five hours, deep cleaning and daily cleaning at least annually 10 hours and 20 hours.

According to the domestic industry experts, China has issued a "natural material sport requirements and test methods", "artificial material sport requirements and test methods", "stadium use requirements and test methods" these three criteria, covering soccer, tennis, swimming, skating rink, track and field and rods, softball and other sports. Be detected in the actual operation, many venues become familiar with the process of the implementation of the relevant standards.

After the announcement of this year, the General Office of the State Council on Accelerating the development of China's sports industry guidance ", the sports ground construction work has become an important part of the" Strengthening the construction of public sports facilities work. Deep body Expo as the industry's premier event in the international exchange of experiences and domestic standards and implementing other aspects play a positive role in the enthusiasm of the delegates and technical experts interaction also reflects the the body Fair is not only a first-class exhibition, grasp industry trends The leading role is increasingly affect every one of the side things.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Croquet artificial turf is how the birth

Croquet artificial turf is how the birth

Croquet sports in China has 20 years of development history, but still unfamiliar to the public, for the production of artificial turf manufacturers, block virgin land. Their eyes fixed on the football stadium, hockey arena, golf arena. In addition to golf is a leisure grass the other is a sport with grass. Especially football staggering.

Sports grass first consideration is the personal safety of the athletes. Play on artificial turf, but also consider how the personal safety of athletes?

Here, we still get the football. Football match scraping collision is very intense, after the fall of the athletes, the body touching the lawn before sliding grass Seta the galling athletes to not frayed skin to do. So they requested that artificial turf should be smooth, flexibility.

In order to guarantee the life of the artificial turf, artificial turf need to inject a certain amount of quartz sand, but not filled, but also because the quartz sand at injection plastic particles. If the above does not inject plastic particles only Note quartz sand, after the fall of the athletes, red slip process, quartz sand also rubs the skin.

Doors Stadium Shop artificial turf, because there is no experience, there is no dedicated lawn, so the promotion of artificial turf had to follow the traditional way of thinking, the choice of curly leisure grass or sports lawn, do the croquet lawn. Although this grass Note quartz sand, but still can not solve the the grass silk smooth characteristics. No matter widening the grass silk or let the grass wire more curl, stepping wire grass, this grass is more smooth, fast ball, a little harder out of bounds.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

the synthetic turf Quality inspection standards

the synthetic turf Quality inspection standards

Technical requirements of the test project
The appearance of the surface is relatively flat, no significant uneven Synthetic turf density is uniform, uniform color.
Test of resistance to sulfuric acid at a concentration of 80% sulfuric acid soak for 72 hours, turf no change in color, no abnormal Underlying.
Resistant to gasoline test turf in 90 gasoline soaked for 4 hours, no change in color, the underlying aging.
Tensile strength MP8 longitudinal ≥ 18
Horizontal ≥ 12
Elongation at break% ≥ 15 vertical
Transverse ≥ 8
Tear strength KN / M longitudinal ≥ 30
Horizontal ≥ 25
Flame resistance level in the sample by 1 m2 25kg to 82kg of silica sand fill test, burn scar diameter ≤ 5 cm, a flame retardant.
Ultraviolet radiation temperature of 50 ± 5 ° C, the rainfall cycle 18mim/102mim, humidity 90 to 95%, almost unchanged after 168 hours irradiation turf color.
Longitudinal tensile strength after the MP8 aging test ≥ 16
After the aging test lateral ≥ 8
Elongation at break longitudinal ≥ 10% after aging test
After the aging test transverse ≥ 5
Longitudinal tear strength KN / M after the aging test ≥ 25
After the aging test lateral ≥ 20
The main technical parameters of the Synthetic Turf football field
Technical indicators parameter values
Pressure buffer value of 55 to 70%
Distortions ≤ 7mm
Ball the vertical rebound in value ≤ 60%
Drying conditions of friction of 0.6 ~ 0.8
Ball rolling speed is changed from 0.6 to 0.8
Water permeability ≤ 8 minutes
The friction loss value ≤ 10%

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

the artificial lawn Gate Stadium Specifications

the artificial lawn Gate Stadium Specifications

artificial lawn Gate stadium site area: venue shall be rectangular, its length shall not be more than 120 meters, or less than 90 meters, width of not more than 90 meters, or less than 45 meters (international competition venue shall not be more than 110 meters in length or less in the 100 meters, the width is not more than 75 meters, or less than 64 meters). In any case, the length must be more than the width.

artificial lawn Gate Stadium draw lines: the venue should be in accordance with the plan to draw clear lines. The line width of not more than 12 cm, shall not be made \ U +201 CV \ U +201 D-shaped grooves. The longer of the two lines called edges, the shorter two lines called the goal line. The venue the middle to draw a line across the stadium, called midline. An obvious mark the center of the field should be done, and this point is the center of the circle, the radius of 9.15 m, draw a circle called the center circle. Each vertical side venues on each corner should not be less than the 1.50-meter-high flat-topped flagpole on the system flags side; similar flag and flagpole can each vertical side of in venues both sides are on the sidelines of the midline at least 1 meter.

the goal area of ​​the artificial lawn Gate Stadium: both ends of the venue from the goalposts inside of 5.50 meters at the goal line, a 5.50 m long vertical line and the goal line to the inside of each painting, one end in contact with the goal line, the other end of the draw a connecting line parallel to the goal line, the region called these three lines and the goal line within the goal area.

the artificial lawn Gate Stadium penalty area: away from the goalposts the inside of 16.50 meters at the goal line at both ends of the venue, a 16.50 m long vertical line and the goal line to the inside of each painting, the upper end of phase with the goal line, the other end of the draw a connecting line parallel to the goal line areas within these three lines and the goal line is the penalty area. 11 meters at each of the vertical to the floor at the midpoint of the two goal line to make a clear mark, called the penalty spot. The penalty spot for the center, to 9.15 m radius, draw an arc outside the penalty area, called the penalty arc.

Stadium corner area of ​​artificial lawn Gate: crossing point to the sideline and the goal line for the dots, 1 meter radius, field painting a period of a quarter of an arc, arc region called the corner area.

The artificial lawn gate the stadium goal: The goal should be located in the center of each goal line, and an equal distance from two distance of 7.32 meters, with both sides of the corner flag, along the upright post with a crossbar away from a level of 2.44 meters above the ground connected components, To ensure safety, whether it is a fixed goal or removable goal must be stable fixed presence on the ground. Doorpost and the width and thickness of the crosspiece should be symmetrically equal, should not exceed 12 cm. The net is attached behind the goal post and crossbar and the ground. Net should be properly sprung and to full activities goalkeeper space.

New artificial lawn gateball court in now standard door stadium size chart based on the column of a circle with a radius r 2M r 5M circle, forming a radius r 2M round pillars and an inner diameter r 3M annular area (in order to increase the technical difficulty of the radius of the column can be set as r 3M, ring outside the arc followed pushed to r 6M); point to the column axis, vertical four game line draw 4 perpendicular bisector of the stadium is divided into four ring outside the zone; four corners to angle vertex of a circle with radius r 1.5M arcs tangent edges to form four sectors protected areas. So gateball court divided into a column district, an annular zone, four ring outside the area, the four corners of protected areas, a total of 10 regions. The 2M × 1M rectangular area from tee instead of 1M × 1M square area above line segment to the croquet court clear calibration. Newly calibrated size door stadium entertainment and competitions Let us call it the "new croquet.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

kindergarten is becoming more and more kindergartens synthetic grass also came into being

With the improvement of people's living standards, the parents want to provide the best environment to give children, kindergarten is no exception, kindergarten is becoming more and more kindergartens synthetic grass also came into being, and gradually became a nursery groundmarket hot pet, kindergarten, laying synthetic grass really good?

Kindergartens synthetic grass color fresh, assembled a variety of patterns according to customer requirements, especially for children, the synthetic grass non-slip drop resistance performance are very good, you can reduce children damage caused by activities on the ground, up protecting young children, post-maintenance synthetic grass is also very easy.

synthetic grass product features:
Cushioning: reduce sports injuries, moderate absorb foot impact.
2, wear resistance: can absorb strong impact so that the surface is not damaged, having a resilient elastic layer and the buffer layer, anti-friction can meet high frequency, prolonged use of the demand.
3, elasticity: to reduce the consumption of physical promote competition results, a moderate elasticity and rebound.
Adhesion: adhesion is very good, firm, firm in cement concrete, asphalt concrete foundation.
5, the comprehensive: rain and snow after flushing can be used immediately without any limitations of the season and the temperature difference, fully reflects the high standard of quality. The products use a combination of the flow of material particles curing material, the surface is flat and not slippery, even sports fall will not cause serious bodily injury.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to adapt to the artificial grass to become the biggest problem faced by the German team

The German team, the most talked about not Hiddink and his Russian team, but Moss Kolwezi Day Nicky Stadium piece of artificial grass. German internationals are accustomed to playing on natural turf this very strange, even the battle-hardened captain Michael Ballack said: "I do not have the artificial grass playing football, in the above, the number of training rarely."

How to adapt to the artificial grass to become the biggest problem faced by the German team coach Joachim Loew admitted: "Of course, this is a big change, we will have to adapt to this environment with the fastest speed." German team "moved" Mainz Bruch Road Stadium, where the artificial grass to find the state Tuesday afternoon, they kicked Mainz amateur team game "secret warm-up match to find the feeling.

This is not an official warm-up match, every 10 minutes or so, Loew will stop the match, according to the field in a timely manner and make new deployment. In order to adequately simulate the atmosphere of the Moscow decisive battle, Lufkin also require more turf watering, because he clearly when the Russian team will use this means to accelerate the running speed of the ball, so that the German team is difficult to control the strike. Whether it is the main, or substitute, get the opportunity to adapt to the venue.

However, just as the United States because of Mainz coach Tu Heer said: "only three days to adapt to this change is very difficult." Warm-up match, the German team pass the ball success rate is not too high, slippery venues, the ball becomes quickly. Time with Barak pass to Podolski, although known for its speed, Polti still could not catch up with the ball, let sidelines Loew looked straight frown, but his attitude is very firm: We must adapt to this change! "At the same time, he also pointed out that the German team to solve the two problems must be solved: both offensively and defensively, we must pursue passing accuracy as well as good control of the ball impact point."

Barak is still winning hand

33-year-old Barak will not forget, when he was able to lay a core position in the German team, the perfect performance of the two rounds of the 2002 World Cup qualifying play-offs against Ukraine contributed, and now he is facing from the former Soviet Union team severe test, and this time, he may not want to relive the experience of a playoff. Russia coach Guus Hiddink, Ballack is no stranger.

Chelsea during the two have worked for months to this battle, they did little to fight the "war of words". Last week, Hiddink suddenly appeared in London, was kind enough to Barak had a conversation. Barak explained: "This is a time not planned talks, nothing special and we talk about some chores, of course, due to Saturday's game, we have each other to open a bit of a joke, and we all know this the importance of the game. "Hiddink's coaching ability, Barak knows it, he is definitely a fox-like cunning coach.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Completely different quality artificial turf material with plastic track material

the quality and longevity of the artificial turf depends primarily on its production process and the quality of the grass fibers, poor quality grass fiber is easy to become brittle, ultraviolet radiation, temperature change, acid rain and other environmental weathering, the industry called "fibrosis" after stampede easily become powdery after exercise by inhaled will cause coughing, harmful to health. Primary school students inhalation lawn "hairy" product is inferior lawn fibrosis. Professor Chen reminded, buy artificial turf must choose a certified high-quality product, do not blindly covet cheap penny wise and pound foolish.

Completely different quality artificial turf material with plastic track material, polypropylene, nylon, polyethylene, are non-toxic materials, no effect on the movement of health through environmental certification lawn, even reached the end of its life, can also be processed by combustion and does not produce harmful gas, can also be used as road administrative works foundation filler waste utilization. Compared with natural turf with environmental wear-resistant, weatherproof to laying many convenient maintenance, security, economic and practical advantages.

Artificial turf has these advantages and features, the reporter learned that, in addition to the Nanjing Normal University and a few other schools have also cited proud of the natural lawn, about 95% of the institutions use from the artificial turf to Ning tertiary institutions . In addition to the university campus, National Fitness Ninghai Middle School, Zhujiang Road Primary Suojin Village Elementary schools and many cell site, "Shop and the artificial turf. But the reporter also learned that this industry is only 10 years to enter the domestic high-tech, not yet introduced a unified quality standards, the quality department can not its quality supervision.

Jiangsu production and sales of artificial turf to create artificial turf Limited chief engineer Li Jian, the research and development of artificial turf has entered the third generation, the turf performance has been very close to the natural grass, and because of the high the lawn cost-effective domestic product, foreign is slowly losing the advantages of the brand and gradually fade out of the mainstream domestic market. Right now the detection and evaluation of the Jiangsu create a company involved in the development of artificial turf standard has been drafted on to be promulgated after the approval of the national commission. The experts called for an early set the standards, effective supervision, to prevent the occurrence of of inferior lawn "wounding".

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Give you a good synthetic turf tennis courts provide a long-term movement fun

Give you a good synthetic turf tennis courts provide a long-term movement fun, but the prerequisite for the rational design, in line with the actual situation, material and construction quality assurance.

Provisions in the the the tennis competition rules promulgated by the International Tennis Federation and the National Sports Commission, a the standard synthetic turf tennis courts covers an area of ​​not less than 36.58 meters (length) × 18.29 m (W), this size is also a standard tennis court surrounded Weidang net ground nets or indoor architectural interior dimensions. The standard in this area, effectively doubles venue size: 23.774 m (length) × 10.973 m (W), should remain free room for each end of the line after not less than 6.40 meters, each edge should stay free room for not less than 3.66 meters. Install the net post in the center of the pitch, measured at the center of the two columns, column spacing is 12.80 meters, the top of the net post from the ground plane is 1.07 meters, along the center of the net from the ground plane is 0.914 m.

My company has a professional experience of construction of various types of tennis courts, tennis venues around the world, we have the construction of various types of synthetic turf. Strict construction quality system and perfect after-sales service that you can rely on the tennis court to builders.

If it is connected to two or more than two tennis courts built parallel. The adjacent site distance between the edges is not less than 4.0 m. If indoor network end of the line outside over 6.40 m clear height of not less than 6.40 meters, indoor rooftop in the ball online empty the clear height of not less than 11.50 meters. Outdoor tennis courts the four weeks Weidang height is generally between 4 to 6 meters, depending on the stadium surroundings with the building height, may be appropriate to increase or decrease. Need to install lighting lighting tennis court, indoor roof lamps distribution over the outdoor tennis court and the end of the line on both sides should be social lamps. Outdoor stadium lights lamps should be set at more than 7.0 meters from the ground on both sides of the fence. Light towards the ground from the field on both sides of uniform irradiation. Lights and the stadium used for different purposes, electric light technicians specialized design. Experience tells us that the average illumination of every piece of synthetic turf tennis court lighting should be between 280lux ~ 1200lux.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

the artificial lawn fiber tensile strength as high as possible?

the artificial lawn fiber tensile strength as high as possible?

Friends do not know much about a lot of artificial lawn, tensile strength, the stronger the better, procurement grass fiber has become important to determine the basis, in fact, there is there is a lot of misunderstanding.

This common but less accurate idea of ​​misinterpretation of tensile strength detection, detection of artificial lawn tensile strength in the international standard on an artificial lawn products through analog movement cycle, the tensile strength of the product is reduced percentage. Lower basis of the standard values ​​of tensile strength, tensile strength decreased amplitude test on behalf of the grass fibers the better the quality, rather than the higher the quality the better is often said that some products tensile strength. Common sense, high tensile strength of the wire, and is not suitable for the sport. Therefore, the blind pursuit of high tensile strength and ignore to bring users the comfort and safety performance is the practice of putting the cart before the horse.

Venue on the artificial lawn fiber abrasion resistance (durability) depends on many parameters, and not rely solely on the tensile strength to decide.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Most of the sports and fitness facilities everywhere also replace the synthetic grass

Turf issues is one of the 06 World Cup in Germany left much regret. Ruud, Ayala, Michael Ballack, Beckham veteran criticized the tournament turf is not too dry, or too hard, Japan coach Zico criticized turf too long. So we see that the players on the field often due to excessive development effort slipping.

    FIFA President Sepp Blatter also expressed dissatisfaction, and claimed to try to use the synthetic grass in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. He believes that, in addition to turf is not suitable for some players, some venues turf yellow also affect the image of the World Cup. Another excellent variety of natural turf can not overcome the the stadium bleachers increasingly plagued with inadequate sunlight, with the upgrading of synthetic grass, use synthetic grass has also become a major trend in international competitions.

     Domestic Since entering the 21st century, most of the developed areas, universities, secondary schools replaced "synthetic grass", some primary schools have followed suit, but from the replacement effect, and the effect is gratifying, in primary school, parents need not fear their children fell and bruised, in secondary schools, most of the students to stay after school in the school to play football in college, university administrators no longer have as to how maintenance turf scratching their heads, because the synthetic grass does not require excessive maintenance, maintenance costs very is low.

    Most of the sports and fitness facilities everywhere also replace the synthetic grass, which is to promote the call of the State National Fitness who can guarantee an effective way of sports facilities maintenance funds.

    On the football field, the domestic part of the stadium to replace the synthetic grass in 2005, Liaoning Tiger Star is laying Shenyang Peace Stadium on synthetic grass participated in the national B football league game, but as early as a year ago, Dalian three Germany is also laying synthetic grass Dalian Maritime University Stadium as their own home, to battle the Grade B and successfully rushed Grade ranks.

    Laying synthetic grass is the most famous in the national stadium, is that "Shenyang Green, November 6, 2003, the FIFA website officially announced Asia's largest indoor stadium --- Shenyang Green Island Sports Expo Center FIFA certified message.

    Any novelty has a cognitive process in the eyes of the fans, football game should outdoor lawn suddenly moved to indoor soccer game, I am sure you will be suited to some, this can be understood. "Green Island is responsible the face of the negative voices and all the criticism and did not show any dissatisfaction, but quite frankly. In fact, the original Green Island artificial turf questioned, not only from the outside of the circle of fans, as well as the Chinese Football Association leadership and many professional clubs. However, when Yan Shiduo, YangYiMin, Chinese Football Association officials visit the Green Island center, where modern facilities to inspect after gradually dispel the concerns of indoor soccer. Especially when Liaozu players training this year in Green Island, on the artificial turf greatly praised.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

FIFA will carry out the annual artificial grass venue detection

FIFA will carry out the annual artificial grass venue detection

    FIFA artificial grass quality standard philosophy and engineering is implemented through a wealth of experience in the high-quality test agency detection applications for the FIFA-certified football venues. In order to ensure that the detection level of the FIFA certification bodies to meet FIFA requirements, FIFA certification bodies and laboratories the collective test once a year.

    All testing organizations want to continue to maintain the qualification of FIFA certification bodies and laboratories for testing in accordance with the current FIFA inspection manual procedures must be on the ground in two football fields. However, this test will be fair to all companies want to become FIFA artificial grass certification bodies, agencies and departments, just open.

    The next round of annual testing time has been determined for 9-12 October 2012, location in Paris, France. All institutions involved in the detection can contact for further consultation. FIFA official website of the Application as FIFA-accredited Test Institute document contains details of more annual testing and application to become FIFA detection institutions, interested persons can own line download.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

the latest position of the synthetic turf industry

the latest position of the synthetic turf industry

For synthetic turf, we should not unfamiliar. Because we are on the school playground will use this synthetic turf the recent the domestic synthetic turf industry development situation is what it looks like? Let me look at the following description.

The mid-90s of last century, China from abroad synthetic turf for the laying of sports venues, began the sport synthetic turf in the country to promote the use of the course. With the rapid spread of the use of artificial turf in the country, a large number of foreign artificial grass brand crowd in the Chinese market, and the same time, the country will also gradually nurture a group of synthetic turf manufacturing enterprises.

With the development of the market, the domestic part of the manufacturers specialized production equipment from abroad to produce their own synthetic turf, price advantages, occupy most of the domestic market share since 2004, and many manufacturers have already started on the foreign exports.

On the one hand, with economic development and the improvement of people's living standards in recent years, China's sports industry has been greatly developed, especially the 2008 Olympic Games held in China to inject new vitality for development of sports industry and sports industry is closely related to all kinds of sports venues, stadium construction is also increasingly unfolded; the other hand, as in recent years, college enrollment, and key high schools have been expanding the types of schools sports facilities in urgent need of renovation and expansion. As a hardware construction, the state department also requires these schools to do a good job complete sports facilities, and related policy and funding support. In this macro environment, synthetic turf industry has broad global at the same time is more and better applied to sports venues, and is widely recognized.

The synthetic turf is all kinds of sports venues, the most suitable economic environment-friendly surface materials, domestic mainly used in all kinds of school playgrounds, the market continues to grow. In recent years, with the recognition of the market, in professional venues, leisure places also have some growth.

In December 2006, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the National Standardization Management Committee issued two national standards. Drafted by the construction of sports facilities and standards of the State Sports General Administration Office soccer field, artificial turf surface, one drafted by the State General Administration of Sports Equipment Center Sports artificial turf. Two standard formulation is conducive to the artificial turf industry norms, but not enough scientific part of the development of indicators, the market has not recognized and promoted.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Maintenance of professional football synthetic turf

Maintenance of professional football synthetic turf

With sports such as soccer, tennis, golf professional, industrial and commercial development, making the development of the sport synthetic turf industry made ​​some progress in recent years. A wide range of application of the artificial turf, velvet high density, durable performance advantages has been widely recognized. The main applications are game, the sports venues classes, and green synthetic turf maintenance method is also more and more attention. Proper maintenance can improve the strength of the synthetic turf and aesthetic.

1, synthetic turf should be used in the normal movement, banned the wearing of 9mm long, or more than 9mm spikes running on the lawn; prohibit heavy long-term pressure on the lawn and motor vehicle traveling on the lawn; prohibit the shot put, javelin, discus or other high fall sports on the lawn; immediately prohibit stampede case of snow, and then the the surface floating snow will sweep use.

Pavement lawn in six to eight weeks to clean the gravel sweep uniform, keeping the stem upright The aim is the height of the gravel maintained at a certain level.

Timely liquidation of foreign body in the lawn, leaves, pine needles, nuts, chewing gum cause tangles, spots and stains garbage.

The 4 small range of lawn sprawling available clean-up of dedicated anti-tangle agent (such as a clear road agent or pod chlorine), as long as the appropriate concentration, the lawn will not be affected in any way. Such entanglement agents clearing the lawn tangles, then you can sweep with a stiff broom. Serious tangles, lawns need to do overall handling and cleaning.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

artificial grass football field and a natural grass pitches What is the difference?

artificial grass football field and a natural grass pitches What is the difference?

Do artificial grass pitch more and more, and fewer and fewer people to do the natural grass football field, artificial grass football field and a natural grass football field what difference does it make?

The first natural grass soccer field grass was soft, in line with the law of motion of the ball naturally athletes injured protective, even if the high-speed movement is tipped paint hurt the skin, do not worry; Disadvantages: affected by the weather, artificial grass flat.

But the artificial grass flat, protected from the weather; indeed point: Chemical Polypropylene, PP materials exposure to the sun harmful poison gas, hard venues, easily injured.

As we all know, the international career major competitions are natural grass above, the generation of artificial grass - long been trampling on the natural grass is difficult to have maintenance, human, material and financial resources and inputs required, and laying artificial grass. Dedicated football stadium in order to hold a contest, and the quality of the sports venues must reach a certain standard football field turf is good or bad is one of the most important factors. As the foundation of the football, the pros and cons of the football field turf quality will directly affect the quality of the football game and the life of the stadium, the athletes in the field of speed, comfort and sense of security, which affect an athlete's spot to play. 1970s a controversy among scholars about artificial grass and natural grass better warm start. Until the mid-1980s, the FIFA (FIFA) and the United Kingdom National Sports Commission (Sports Council) jointly issued the uniform standards of the evaluation of the quality of sports turf movement, before the debate the two had a relatively objective basis for evaluation. Unified standard quality evaluation indicators include: the rebound of the ball, the stadium surface hardness and flatness ball rolling distance of the stadium surface sliding friction.

Of two Lawn rebound football

Natural grass football pitches of natural grass plant fiber elastic soccer on natural grass stretch overall smaller, the height of the bounce in the air and protects the bouncing ball or floor is not very high, to facilitate the athlete, stopping and control ball. However, Artificial Grass soccer field of artificial grass is the plastic fiber created, used in most of the fibrous material is polypropylene (polypropylene, PP) and polyethylene (Polyethylene, PE) (PP or PE); the type of fill material is silica sand, rubber granules or a mixture of both, and thus determine its good flexibility, altitude or mid-air flying football strength will fall to bounce up above, which requires athletes to have to re-adjust their stopping position judgment rebound height and route of soccer, which had an impact on athletes inherent technical and tactical.

In short, both lawn soccer rebound destined athletes must adopt a different stop the ball, the ball and the ball technology.